Posts Tagged ‘social anxiety treatment’

Techniques for Managing Social Anxiety :: 3 Highly Effective Techniques

March 11, 2012

If you are like a lot of people looking for techniques to control social anxiety quietly and want to feel more confident in social situations then pay attention to the next article .. A touch of the information you find in the directory the Shyness and Social Anxiety System

Technique 1 – Diaphragmatic Breathing

Do not be intimidated by the word ‘diaphragm’. It just means taking a deep breath with your stomach instead of your chest. People with social anxiety tend to breathe in a shallow, almost superficial. Especially when they are in situations they perceive them uncomfortable and anxious. Shallow breathing (unlike diaphragmatically) not only increases your anxiety but it also causes you a weak voice that is heard as fragile. To run this first technique to control social anxiety, the first thing to do is relax your neck and your shoulders, as much as possible. Now let’s see how often you breathe. Take a deep breath and feel which part of your body moves. You feel your chest move or your stomach? When you breathe you should not feel your upper chest and your shoulders rising and falling.This happens when you do not breathe properly. To breathe the right way (with diaphragm) puts a hand on stomach and the other on your chest. Lying down can best help noticing the difference. When you inhale you should feel your abdominal (stomach) expands. When you exhale you should feel your stomach shrinks. Your shoulders should not move about. Use your hands to feel you’re doing it correctly. Just hand over your abdomen should move, the other on your chest does. Another important part of diaphragmatic breathing is relaxing to ease breathing when accelerated. When you feel anxious your body becomes alert and your breathing quickens. To relax you need to breathe slowly. Once you’re breathing slowly your mind and your body will follow suit and relax. To pause the breath you inhale for 3 seconds and exhale for 5 or 6 seconds. As you exhale let the air out and flow naturally, do not force the air out of your lungs. Also remember to breathe through your nose and exhale through the mouth. Talves cost you at first but soon you do naturally. Diaphragmatic breathing is a technique that wear out only when you feel anxiety. You should try to take out most of the time. The good news is that you can practice anywhere.

Technique 2 – Personal Acceptance

Never try to contain your anxiety symptoms. One of the things that makes social anxiety different from other anxiety is the fact that a person with social anxiety fears the symptoms of anxiety itself. I’ll explain. When you feel anxious you do not want anyone to know. You do everything possible to prevent someone from seeing you sweating, trembling or red in the face of grief. So naturally you try to contain or to battle with these symptoms to go away as soon as possible. The problem is that the more you try to make other people not see your symptoms, the more pressure you put on yourself. The more pressure you put yourself more anxious you’ll be. It is a pernicious and vicious cycle. More pressure = more sweating, tremor, etc.. The truth of the matter is that your symptoms are not flashy as you think you are. And if you would believe me that other people would not mind. Perhaps to you once you care if someone else sweating or trembling? Talves mind say yes, but the truth is that you would be too focused on what other people think of you to be thinking about this other person.

The problem with Resist 

When you’re feeling fear and discomfort it is natural to want to eliminate these emotions in any way, at any cost. Unfortunately using this technique is like pouring gasoline onto a bonfire. To struggle, to resist and to attack the anxiety only makes the anxiety stronger. What you believe that it is going to eliminate your anxiety only it is worsening it. You must not fight a negative emotion with another negative emotion. Only aggravate the situation and end up feeling worse.

Technique 3 – The Shyness and Social Anxiety System Guide 

The Shyness and Social Anxiety System is a recognized guide by social therapist Sean Cooper. It includes techniques and exercises unique and scientifically proven to help people to permanently eliminate shyness and social anxiety. This guide tells you step by step how to reprogram your mind and body to overcome shyness and social anxiety permanently. It also includes sections that teaches you step by step how to make friends, and be more social, how to cure social phobia, public speaking and how to feel comfortable at parties and social gatherings, among others.

To download the Shyness and Social Anxiety System then CLICK HERE

Learning how to be more sociable and live without shyness is not as difficult as you think. You just need to learn and master the techniques to control social anxiety and live a happy and free from shyness. This is precisely what you are taught in the Shyness and Social Anxiety System Guide. Hundreds of people have improved their lives thanks to this guide, and you, do you expect?

To learn more then VISIT THIS PAGE

Social Anxiety Treatment :: The Final Cure for Social Anxiety

February 27, 2012

When we look for the words “social anxiety treatment” in Google or any other page of search results then you see in its majority pages full of spam and low quality information that does not help you at all.

That’s why I decided to write this article. Several months ago I was at a very unfortunate place in my life. Social anxiety and shyness had hijacked my life to the point where I no longer wanted to leave my house. It was at this point in my life when I decided to search the internet for a treatment for my social anxiety. A guide to explain to me how to overcome this social anxiety that was killing me so much.

Having seen various products and low-quality courses that promised to cure my social anxiety, I finally found one that caught my attention and it really paid off. I’m talking about the Shyness and Social Anxiety System guide, written by Sean Cooper, a renowned social therapist.

The Difference with Other Products

Unlike other products and treatments offered on the Internet, the Shyness and Social Anxiety System includes techniques, strategies and exercises easily applied to everyday life and extremely effective. So effective that the results are permanent.

Moreover, its low price and money back guarantee makes the product that deserves to be tested.  I remember when visiting a psychologist I spent $ 70 for each weekly appointment. It was a lot of money and the truth is that I consider it a failed investment. Most of all, I knew that this psychologist had never suffered from social anxiety therefore did not know how to get in my shoes.

Sean Cooper, author of the Shyness and Social Anxiety System, is a person who suffered from shyness and social anxiety for many years, until college, studying psychology and career through various social experiments, managed to capture a unique and highly effective way in helping himself and other people overcome social anxiety permanently.

For whom is this guide for?

• Men and women who feel that shyness and social anxiety is hurting them in their personal, social and professional life

• People who want to learn to develop social skills to improve their quality of life

• Men and Women who want to learn to develop confidence to highlight social and professional life

• Those who want to learn to be part of social groups and relate better with people

• Anyone who feels intimidated by people of high social value and wants to learn to overcome this anxiety

Included in the Guide?

The Shyness and Social Anxiety System guide is extremely comprehensive and easy to read. These are some of the issues that come with it.

•  Golden methods to permanently remove the shyness and social anxiety.

• Habits Infallible to reduce anxiety in stressful situations and uncomfortable.

• The exact reason why you suffer from social anxiety.

• The most effective strategies to public speaking and giving presentations without anxiety whatsoever.

• The strategy for developing new friendships and have more friends.

• Specific exercises to overcome the fear of rejection once and for all.

• Exactly how to identify and eliminate the negative thoughts that increase your anxiety.

• How to eliminate the physical symptoms you suffer in times of anxiety (sweating, shaking, blushing, etc.).

• The small adjustment in breathing you should do to reduce anxiety dramatically.

• The steps to develop unshakable self-esteem.

The Verdict

The Shyness and Social Anxiety System is the best treatment for social anxiety that exists in the market right now. The methods and tips that provided in this guide will not only help eliminate social anxiety but it also positively change other aspects of your life.

You will notice improved confidence and self-esteem, social anxiety free life, you will be able to make friends, have better relationships and possibly even more successful financially as a result of being a social person and better social skills.

The Shyness and Social Anxiety System contains the best tips that will change your social life forever in a positive and enriching pleasant way.

To download the guide right now CLICK HERE